With gaming course at MAAC, learn to create exciting characters, creatures and environment and build next-generation, interactive gaming environments.

Game Design Courses

game designing course

ADIDG- Advanced Program in Interactive Design & Games

Course Duration: 576 Hours

Learn the in-demand intricacies of game design. Create a new world for gaming enthusiasts through latest industry-oriented software that you master.

APGDI - Advanced Program in Game Design & Integration

Course Duration: 480 Hours | 20 months

APGDI is a comprehensive career course at MAAC that covers topics like Game Art and Game Design & Integration for all platforms of gaming.

PMGDI - Program in Mobile Game Design & Integration

Course Duration: 388 Hours | 16 months

PMGDI is a career course in Gaming that covers Game Art for all segments of Mobile Games. If you are aspiring to enter the booming gaming industry as a successful professional, join this gaming course at MAAC.

PID - Program in Immersive Design

Course Duration: 304 Hours | 13 months

PID is a professional course in gaming which provides you end-to-end training in Dimensional Content for Augmented and Virtual Reality.

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